2021 is the year for Biodiversity: the IUCN World Conservation Congress in France will address the issue of Nature conservation, and the COP 15 of the UN Convention on Biological diversity in China will adopt a post-2020 biodiversity framework that should raise the highest ambition possible. Biodiversity needs to be protected, especially after the Covid crisis: All Team Europe including French actors are committed to working with South-Africa on a peer-to-peer basis to extend common knowledge and improve protected area management. But biodiversity is also an economic driver which provides sustainable jobs, supports local development, improves health and the quality of life. Biodiversity is a major aspect of just and green recovery and the Biodiversity day will focus on concrete examples for a more resilient and sustainable economy.
This event has been organised with the financial support of the European Union’s Partnership Instrument and the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety (BMU) in the context of the International Climate Initiative (IKI). The opinions expressed are the sole responsibility of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the funders.